Our story

Why we're doing this

The reason why we are doing this is actually pretty simple. Alongside many other enthusiasts we support the initiative of the Raspberry Pi foundation to stimulate digital development, so everyone can get the chance and motivation to develop and implement cool stuff in a digital world. Apart from that, we're curious as to what role compact and energy efficient devices such as the Rpi can fulfill in a professional hosting environment, whether it be now or in the future.


As you probably already know, the Rpi is a very practical device to get the hang of programming and coding so that in the end you can tell the Pi exactly what to do. For example, you could make it a VPN server to browse the web anonymously or implement one of the other applications that we summed up for you.


Educational purposes aside, the Pi is also a responsible choice for the environment and your wallet. On an energy efficient level, the Raspberry Pi scores high. With only 3 -5 watts of power consumption it beats middle class servers averaging 75-150 watt by a landslide. Partly thanks to this the Pi is a great choice for running specific applications, especially where a 'full' computer is just not necessary anymore.


Probably the biggest reason as to why we are doing this is because we like to occupy ourselves (especially during work) with various open source projects and we're having a blast because of it. Divided amongst the staff of Forhosting we have well over 60 Pi's in use for various purposes.

TLDR: We're doing this because we have fun doing it, to educate ourselves and to spare the environment alongside your wallet!