
  • Type
  • RAM
  • SD card
  • Powersupply
  • Pre-installed OS
  • Connectivity
  • Bandwidth
  • Average delivery time
  • Price colocation each year
  • Price Raspberry Pi

Send your own Raspberry Pi

  • Own preference (must have ethernet)
  • Own preference
  • Own preference
  • Own preference
  • 100 Mbit (IPv4 & IPv6)
  • 500 GB fair use
  • 90 days*
  • € 36,00 (VAT included)
  • Does not apply
  • Order

Purchase a pre-installed Raspberry Pi

  • Raspberry PI 4 B
  • 2, 4 or 8 GB
  • Samsung/Kingston 8 GB type 6
  • Raspbian
  • 100 Mbit (IPv4 & IPv6)
  • 500 GB fair use
  • 90 days*
  • € 36,00 (VAT included)
  • Starting at € 52,50 (VAT included)
  • Configure

Q & A

What are the requirements for my Raspberry Pi?

Your RPi should feature an ethernet connection, a static IP address and an SD card with bootable OS

What network configuration should I employ?

Network configurations will be send by e-mail after signing up.

How do I make use of IPv6?

You won't have to do a single thing to activate IPv6. We use Router Advertisements, which gives you an IPv6 IP address automatically. To deactivate IPv6 simply turn off 'accept_ra' within the kernel configuration.

When can I effectively make use of my Raspberry Pi?

After we receive your RPi we'll place it in one of our racks. Of course we'll send you an e-mail when it's done. The whole process shouldn't take more than a couple of days.

How do I get my Raspberry Pi back?

To get your Raspberry Pi back from our data center you can file a request for removal with our support team. You will have the option to have it send back to you. Depending on your location shipping fees can vary from € 7,50 to € 30,-.

What should I send over?

To make sure there will be no delays it is essential that the following hardware is enclosed in your parcel:

  • Raspberry Pi
  • SD card with OS
  • Solid (plastic) case for the Raspberry Pi
  • Accurate sender information
  • Optional: a compact USB stick for additional storage (max. 4 CM)

Where should I send my Raspberry Pi to?

After your application you will get full instructions on what you need to take care of and where it needs to be delivered.

Is there anything I can do to return the favor?

It never hurts to help! We'd absolutely love it if you would share this initiative with your friends on forums and social networks where you take part in. A like on our Facebook page wouldn't hurt either :-)