Raspberry Pi Hosting

For € 36,00 a year (€ 3,00 monthly) you will get a super fast network connection, 500 GB worth of traffic.

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Raspberry Pi colocation by Forhosting

Since 2022 we (Forhosting) make it possible to colocate your Raspberry Pi in a professional data center. After colocating over 50 Raspberry Pi's for free we had to make a choice, and instead of closing the doors we chose to charge charge a small fee.

For only € 36,00 a year (€ 3,00 monthly) you'll have your very own Raspberry Pi colocated in a professional data center.

What do you need?

  1. Your own Raspberry Pi, or one of ours
  2. A configured static IP adres
  3. A solid (plastic) case for the RPi
  4. An SD card with bootable OS

What do you get?

  1. 100 Mbit uplink
  2. 500 GB traffic (IPv4 & IPv6)
  3. Free powersupply
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Curious as to what you can do with your Rasbperry in our data center? For your convenience we compiled a list with various applications. Check it out →

Our story

You probably have a few burning questions as to why we are doing this. We're happy to share our story with you. Check it out →


Not interested in all the details and you just want to send over your Raspberry as fast as possible? Here you'll find everything you need to get started. Check it out →