

Use the Raspberry Pi as a compact mailserver for your domains. Of course you could also set it up as MX20 or 30 to create a fallback functionality on top of your current mailsetup.
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Wondering what the uptime is of your server or websites? Keep a close eye by using your RPi as a monitoring server and start receiving a text or e-mail when the shit hits the fan.
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XMPP Chat server

Change your Raspberry Pi in an XMPP chat server by running Jabber. This way you can be confident that conversations will stay between you, the recipient and your own Raspberry Pi.
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VPN Tunnel

Secure your safety and privacy on the 'net by surfing through your own VPN tunnel. Common software for this application is OpenVPN and works like a dream on the Raspberry Pi.
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Set up your RPi as a specialized webserver for websites that don't require an abundance of processing power. Of course you could also combine several Pi's into a gigantic loadbalanced webserver!
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DNS Server

Increase the availability and accessibility of your domain names by setting up your RaspberryPi as a tertiary or quaternary nameserver by using PowerDNS.
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